Motivation to keep us pushing for more is what we all need as individuals especially when we are trying to become the best version of ourselves. But sometimes we forget that nothing will happen to us if we just sit and wait… we’re the ones to get up on our feet and look for this motivation! We all have a lot of room for personal growth and become anything we want to be if we’re willing to do some extra work! Having said that, to stay consistent every day in our pursuit of growth can be a challenge and I am speaking from experience here!
No matter what it is that you want to achieve in life, what makes you happy, or how you hope things are going to turn out – it all starts with your mind and how you prepare yourself. Motivation techniques are always powerful in helping achieve your desired goals.
That is why I am so passionate about teaching on the importance of having the right mindset from the beginning – your mindset is responsible for how successful you are in any given career or pursuit, how others see you, your health, your physical strength and even how happy you are with what you have already accomplished.
Any growth or change you want to create in your life starts with the decision to make that change with a strong reason for “Why” you want to change. So the decision to change must come from within you, to begin with, and be so important that it will make you leave the stones unturned in order to achieve the goals you set.
If you look at any of the most successful people in the world. One thing they almost always have in common is their unwavering commitment and determination to what they want to achieve. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger for instance – it’s reported, that he was so determined to become a champion bodybuilder that he would even break into the gym on the days when it was closed in order to train. He once even snuck out of army barracks during his conscription in order to attend one of the competitions!
People who are truly committed to what they want to achieve will be more than happy to wake up at 5 am every morning in order to work on their projects, to research, to learn or to train. They never tire and they never simply give up because their “Why” is driving them.
This same commitment and passion are what helps you to focus on boring work, to finish early or to see breakthroughs that you otherwise might have missed.
So having that conviction and belief that you can and will succeed is often enough to draw people to you and to increase your chances of success. When you are truly driven and have complete faith in yourself, you exude passion and confidence – and this inspires others and convinces them to take risks on you. This is called the ‘law of attraction’ and in a nutshell, it means that for others to believe in you, you first need to believe in yourself!
With that conviction within you, you’ll set your mind in a way that will help you persevere and ensure you’re able to accomplish your goal. Your motivation to succeed and stay positive will throughout your journey will be the key. So I have come up with these great top tips and motivation challenges to help you stay on track every single day as you work on yourself and towards achieving your set goals. Get into the habit of applying and practising these as they’ll help you stay on course while doing the work needed to get you to your destination.
I am about to share with you the skills you need to really take control of your own mind and thereby take control of your body and even your situation. As Jackie Chan once put it; “don’t let the situation change you, change the situation”, so after this, you will change your situation if you follow these and remain consistent with throughout your journey.
Through Self Discipline, you will have growth abundant mindset which will get you anywhere you want to go!!!
Day 1- Recognise The Blessing
Life can be so busy that sometimes we forget to appreciate what’s around us. If you look around you right now, there’ll be one thing that I’m sure you’ll be grateful for. But there is no secret that life can be immensely difficult and those important things around us are unnoticeable. If you are reading this article now, chances are you are feeling this way. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. By reaching out for help, you are already winning half the battle. Take a moment to reflect on the fact that the information we need to get by in life, is often right at our fingertips. We are immensely lucky to be living in an age where information is easily accessible.
Positive Affirmation: Technology is a blessing! To ignore its value is unwise in our quest toward happiness and rejuvenation. Allow yourself to rediscover the gift of technology, without being ruled by it.
Day 2- You Are Not Alone
Many spiritual men and women who have gone before us, have maintained that all of life is a single organism. Yet we are all individuals within this body. When one of us falls, we all fall. When one of us rises, we all rise. Therefore, recognise that you are not alone in your struggle. We all face adversity. Adversity rears its ugly head in many shapes and forms, yet is a common factor in all of our lives.
We fight not to shun or ignore adversity but to gain the strength to face it. It is good to remember that you are not the only person that experiences pain. It can often feel that way when things are hard. During the thick of the storm, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that most of the people you know are facing difficult trials of their own. Now we are in the middle of this pandemic and we have to pull together to get through these challenging times, and we will because we have joined forces together!
Positive Affirmation: Your demons can only get stronger when you have your back turned to them. By facing your challenges you are a step ahead in the game!
Day 3- Discover The Path
Sometimes you’re better off having one clear vision for your future than ten standard goals. Everybody has goals. Some come to fruition, some don’t. But if you have a clear vision for your future, you’ve equipped yourself with a valuable tool. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, finish school, or embark on the journey of a new career, a vision is your friend. Now, remember, no vision is complete without execution. Take action today, to ensure that you are where you want to be tomorrow. Delaying and procrastinating will simply keep you off the path rather than push you along it. You want to be walking hand-in-hand with your vision, rather than watching it from a distance. Be flexible and allow your vision to alter, but never lose sight of it.
Positive Affirmation: Think of your vision as you would a friend. Bury it in your subconscious and allow it to wander to the forefront of your mind frequently. Guard it with intensity and don’t let anyone, including yourself, get in the way of it. Indeed, your life can and does depend on it.
Day 4- Continue To Take Action
Remember that nobody else can do what you need to do for yourself. The only person that needs to take action in the equation is you. And that is something you are capable of!
Positive Affirmation: The little successes you build along the way, will reinforce your confidence as you confront new challenges in the future.
Day 5- Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
The path you’re on is unique to you. By comparing yourself to others, you not only begin to worry, but you slow yourself down. The last thing you need is distraction.
Positive Affirmation: As you focus on your goals and continue to persevere, you will soon have a few successes to celebrate along the way!
Day 6- You Reap What You Sow
Keep in mind that everything you do today, recycles itself and informs who you are in the future. This can be an intimidating thought. But allow it to inform the decisions you make in the now.
Positive Affirmation: Be your own best friend, and treat your body like a temple!
Day 7- Be Content With Your Best
We all know how incredibly easy it is to beat ourselves up. However, doing so only reinforces negative thought patterns and slows us down. It’s okay to go at your own pace.
Positive Affirmation: As long as you are steadily working toward your goals, you are on the path you need to be!
Day 8- Develop Positive Habits
Becoming successful comes from practising good habits every single day. Our lifestyles are often determined by our routines whether good or bad. Good habits can take you far in life. It has been said that the habits you form in the first half of your life become the chains you wear in the second half. With that said no matter how old you are, you can always learn something new and create a positive change to get you to where you want to be.
Positive Affirmation: You are your habits. Give yourself some time to allow new habits to stick along the way.
Day 9- Believe In Yourself!
You first have to believe in yourself if you’re going to achieve anything in life! You can either be your own best friend or your worst enemy, it’s all in your hands. Most of the time we put ourselves down before we even try anything! For someone to believe in you, you first have to believe you can do anything if you put your mind to it. So believe, have faith in you and do the work so you can see those results.
Positive Affirmation: If you’ve read this far, that in itself is a positive action!
Day 10- Get Up When You Fall
Even as you’re making progress along your journey to becoming your best, you are going to experience some pitfalls along the way. Remember that this experience is not exclusive to you. When you do fall, get up again and again. Keep getting up as these challenges will teach you to be stronger and give you better ideas to navigate through to reach your goals.
Positive Affirmation: If you’ve had to get up after experiencing personal failure in the past, as we all have, your capable of doing it again!
Day 11- Surround Yourself With Positivity
It’s been said that you become those whom you surround yourself with and you become the average of the five people you hang around with. So make sure that your circle of influence is goal-oriented and helpful to you along your journey. Be around those who want what’s best for you and are happy to see you win.
Positive Affirmation: There are a positive group of friends out there for everybody! It is best to discover them sooner rather than later.
Day 12- Reawaken With Each New Day
Everyday is a blessing. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. If you are reading this, then you are one of the lucky as some didn’t make it to see today. Embrace each day as it comes and do your best in whatever you are involved in. Learn something new each day as it helps your growth.
Positive Affirmation: Every new day is a new opportunity to try something new, seize it!
Day 13- Take Care Of The Issues You Foresee
Always remember that procrastination is the enemy. Small molehills can turn into mountains when left unattended!
Positive Affirmation: Take care of what needs to be handled today and save yourself the burden tomorrow!
Day 14- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
The positive things you do for yourself can leave a lasting impression in the life of a loved one. If you have kids, then as you know they are like sponges. Remember that we change the world not by pointing the finger, but by changing ourselves. Others that see we have embarked on our journey will emulate positive changes we make. They may not tell you but they’re watching everything you do.
Positive Affirmation: The more positive you become, the more positivity you give to a world that desperately needs it.
Day 15- Your Self-Care Is Important
Remember that it’s all about you becoming better. Sometimes it’s easy to attend to everybody’s needs but completely forget about you… that shouldn’t happen and that’s why it is important to look after yourself first. In that way, you’ll be able to look after others well. Being selfless is a good thing, but not at the expense of yourslelf. Your self-care is should be your priority.
Positive Affirmation: By focusing on yourself first, you put yourself in the healthy position to eventually help others without enabling.
Day 16- Develop An Exercise Routine
Building healthy exercise habits easy for you to follow is very important if you want to remain consistent. Start off small if you have to. You don’t have to become a triathlete and spend a good chunk of your life without exercise. This is another area of your life where comparing yourself to others can cause major setbacks. Do what you and your body can manage and increase the activity as you gain strength and experience!
Positive Affirmation: Exercise is not only great for your body, but for your mental health as well!
Day 17- Eat Healthily!
Sometimes we forget that for us to perform at a maximum level, we have to look after ourselves and this means we have to look after our health. Eating healthy will optimise your general well-being. This can be achieved through a healthy active lifestyle in conjunction with daily exercise, better nutrition and emotional health. By doing so, your life take a completely different turn for the best.
Positive Affirmation: Eating healthy will positively affect every other aspect of your life!
Day 18- Reassess Your Vision Every So Often
There is always room for improvement as we journey through life. So it’s not a bad thing to occasionally reflect and a tune-up on your vision and/or goals every so often. As you change, so will your values and how you see things. You may not change the entire plan but find new ways to help you achieve certain things .
Positive Affirmation: As you keep your vision for the future fresh, you allow yourself to draw new inspiration from it whenever necessary.
Day 19- Avoid Too Much Overthinking
It’s easy to get sucked into sitting around at home and contemplating life and its challenges. Sometimes with no help from others at all, we take on the task of dragging ourselves down. Train your mind to recognise these periods and do something about it.
Positive Affirmation: We all lapse into these moments. It doesn’t have to remain so. Break the cycle by doing something fresh as soon as you recognise yourself plunging into this nasty state.
Day 20- Discover A New Hobby
Sometimes the monotony of life is overwhelming. We cope with this through recreation and hobbies alike. Every now and then it’s good to throw a new hobby into the mix. You’ll thank yourself after giving that one activity you’ve been wanting to try for years a chance. It also helps your brain develop a new pathway!
Positive Affirmation: It doesn’t hurt to try! By putting yourself into new situations, you never know what opportunities you open yourself up to and who you can meet along the way.
Day 21- Focus On Your Goal, Not Beating Others
A little healthy competition is fine. But when you become consumed by the desire to do better than others you cross over into unhealthy territory. In other words, if your goal as you climb the ladder of success is to cut out or trample over those beneath you, it could be time to get some serious help. Your biggest competitor should be the person you were yesterday.
Positive Affirmation: Keep the focus on yourself, you deserve it!
Day 22- Practice Kindness Along The Way
Remember that other people around you may be on their difficult, sometimes treacherous journey of their own. A little kindness goes a long way. If you want to be treated with kindness then show kindness to those around you. Remember, life will give you what you give to it and everything affects everything! Learn to cultivate gratitude every day and watch your life change for the better.
Positive Affirmation: Even when you’re not speaking, you’re communicating. If you don’t have anything to say, a smile can go a long way!
Day 23- Keep Looking Ahead
It’s never a great idea to dwell in the past as you won’t be able to enjoy the present! With that said, it is also important to not be so consumed by the future that we are unable to enjoy the present.
Positive Affirmation: Bring yourself back to reality every so often if you have to. Focusing on your goals is great, but losing sight of how special the present is can be unhealthy for you.
Day 24- Life Is A Marathon
Remain true to yourself and your vision for the long haul. In doing so you demonstrate clarity of vision and strength of mind. Stand behind the choices you made, and don’t give in to the pressures on your journey.
Positive Affirmation: Perseverance is the name of the game!
Day 25- Challenges Are Part Of The Process
Don’t be afraid of the challenges you face along the way. Not every obstacle has the potential to hurt you. It’s all about perspective. Recognise the wall in front of you as an opportunity to grow.
Positive Affirmation: The person you become while chasing your goals, can be an unseen benefit you retain for the future.
Day 26- Keep Your Goals Set High
At the end of life, many people regret not setting their goals high enough. Don’t allow yourself to be one of those people. Continue to refresh and add slight alterations to your vision along the way.
Positive Affirmation: As you achieve new heights, remember how intimidating setting certain goals were at their conception. Yet here you are. Now set new goals and go after them!
Day 27- It’s Ok To Be Where You Are
Wherever you are in life, it’s okay. It’s better to acknowledge where you find yourself now, rather than be in denial. Accept your place for what it is and continue to work on yourself to get you to where you want to be.
Positive Affirmation: Judging yourself can only bring you down. As you reinforce your mindset with positivity, your sense of self will change for the better along the way.
Day 28- An Object In Motion Stays In Motion, An Object At Rest Stays At Rest
As long as you’re on the move towards your goal you’re doing fine. Not doing anything at all, is exactly opposite to where you want to be and it’ll bring you nothing of worth. The hardest part is taking the first step and once you start, you’ve won the first battle.
Positive Affirmation: The time is now to become the person you truly want to be!
Day 29- Don’t Give Up!
Don’t ever quit! There’s a champion in all of us that is waiting to be discovered. Many of us have never allowed ourselves to be in touch with the winner found within us. That’s okay, it doesn’t mean you cannot start to build your best version of yourself now. If give up you’ll never know how capable you’re!
Positive affirmation: Your best inner you is extending their hand!
Day 30- Celebrate And Enjoy Small Victories!
No matter how minute you may think your wins are, celebrate them because you deserve that. You worked hard and earned that win even if you’re not where you’re headed yet. Make sure you enjoy the journey as much as you can and create beautiful memories!
Positive Affirmation: Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back every so often. Life is a process, and little celebrations can save us from going insane. It’s not a bad thing to enjoy yourself every now and then. Do so in a positive way, and as stated previously, continue to treat yourself as the glorious temple you are!
Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony ~ Gandhi
You maybe thinking now after reading this; ” this inforamtion is really helpful and I can apply on daily basis.” Well, I am glad you feel this way and it’s true that you start today to apply this to your life. The important thing is to actually take that step and apply them. Motivation needs to be applied consistently for you to see the results. Now that you’re on your journey to becoming your best version, it’s important to remain consistent. Success comes after doing all those little things day in and day out even when the results are not evident.
I will live you with this beautiful quote, to sum up, everything and I wish you all the best in whatever you endeavour to achieve. Stay focused, be persistent and remain consistent.
I was thinking one day and I realised that if I just had somebody behind me all the way to motivate me I could make a big difference.
Nobody came along like that so I just became that person for myself ~ Unknown