Positive Affirmations

32 Powerful Affirmations To Improve Your Daily Life

Affirmations are basically simple messages that help you release negativity, anxiety, pain, and fear. These mantras are so vital for our mindset and daily healthy living if done consistently. The secret to having a successful life is found in the ability to handle each day well and be in control. This starts with you controlling your mornings and setting up a routine that works for you.

One thing to know is that Affirmations don’t just work because you said them first thing in the morning. They work hand in hand with the power of positive thinking. There have been some studies that show that it can be easy to make positive changes in your life if your practice daily affirmations.

Affirmations become effective because of the science of Neuroplasticity. This is the science of rearranging our brain pathways as to our daily activities. When we practice Affirmations daily and intentionally, we reprime and reinforce our chemical brain pathways.

The Benefits of Daily Affirmations


Daily affirmations are not just matras to be said in the morning just for the sake of saying them. They help motivate us to never give up and to keep working despite the challenges we have. They give us hope and support our positive thinking. These are not simple exercises to make us feel better, they have been found to actually have major benefits in life which include:

  • They help relieve mental tension, stress, and anxiety
  • Affirmations have been found to increase performance and minimises defensiveness
  • Assisting you to look at your daily life in a positive way to move forward
  • Help you become more focused on the things that matter
  • They work hand in hand with other activities like mindfulness, meditations, yoga and give you clarity
  • They help you in the reduction of pain and fear

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. ~Marcus Aurelius

It is important that when you practice your daily mantras, you say them with a strong conviction, loud and with confidence. Try practising them before you go to bed and the first thing in the morning. If you need to, write them down and always say them in the present tense. Remember it’s something you want to do or achieve.
Affirmations come in different forms or types depending on what you’re focusing on at the time.

Types of Affirmations

  • Daily Life
  • Happiness
  • Love Relationship Affirmations
  • Affirmation For Success(Work/Business)
  • Self-Confidence
  • Health & Wellness
  • The ‘I AM’ Affirmations
  • And many other forms…

One thing to note and know is that positive affirmations are always written in the language of the brain, which is also called a present tense formula. If by any means you find a quote or a claim of affirmations that don’t use this formula, then stay away from it. Your brain will only respond to your positive statements made in the present form. You don’t want to repeat a negative statement like; “I won’t,” “I don’t,” or “I can’t.”
Keep in mind that affirmations should be spoken as a statement of truth; so use a lot of those words that emphasise the truth like; “do” or “am.”

If you want to change your life for the better and are ready to take the first step, then positive affirmations are the key and very powerful. It’s all about making a decision and taking an action to work on it to be able to see the results you want in due time.

Now that we’ve learnt something about Affirmations, the list below will help you get your daily positive journey underway. Remember, the list is not exhaustive, you only need to decide on what you want to focus on and do that daily and consistently. Be mindful also that you must believe in yourself and in what you affirm, it’s about priming your mind and the power of positive thinking remember!

I have included a video here (you can click on the photo below) which you can use to help you start the habit of practising Gratitude Positive Affirmation. Like everything new you start in life, you’ll need to be consistent if you want to see the results you want and witness that change you seek.

Affirmations To Help You

32 Affirmations To Live By Every Day

As mentioned above, there are different categories of affirmations you might want to look at. I have looked at a few from the four which I think are common; daily life, love & relationship, health & wellness, and work/career.

Affirmations For Daily Life

Healthy LifestyleIs Key

We all want to have a positive lifestyle filled with joy and happiness. Practice makes permanent remember (not perfect), so start today and affirm these in your life and watch how your life unfolds.

  1. I trust myself and know that my inner self and wisdom is my best guide.
  2. I totally accept myself and who I am and know that I am worthy of greater things in life.
  3. I am passionate and enthusiastic about every second of my life.
  4. Every single day I wake up excited and happy to embrace and learn from what comes my way.
  5. Everyone I come across sees how much joy and love I have for life.
  6. I choose to be proud of myself and the work I do.
  7. I have integrity, I am totally reliable and I do what I say.
  8. I desire the things that make me a better and healthy person

Positive Affirmations For Love & Relationships

Smile Makes You Approachable

If you already have a relationship or you’re looking for your soul mate, positive affirmations can help, guide and prepare you to have healthier and happier relationships.

  1. My partner and I have fun together and enjoy the time we spend together
  2. I am physically and spiritually attracted to my partner and we have healthy boundaries together
  3. I fully support my partner and want what is best for him/her
  4. I radiate love, I am attractive and lovable
  5. I share with my partner emotional connection and intimacy on a daily basis through touching and communication
  6. My partner and I share our concerns freely and communicate to solve them amicably
  7. I share my love, gratitude, and faithfulness with my family every day to build a healthy environment
  8. I am with my partner because we both deserve true love every single day

Positive Affirmations For Health & Wellness

Health and Wellness Affirmations

Our lifestyles have become significantly sedentary nowadays thanks to the technology we love hence the lack of physical activity. This has resulted in a lot of health-related diseases that are also becoming a challenge to control and manage. If you’re on a journey or starting a journey to health, wellness and fitness; these affirmations are what you can start with.

  1. I eat to nourish my body with healthy foods
  2. I love taking care of my body every day by exercising and strengthening my muscles
  3. My body is getting stronger, better and healing every day
  4. I love everything about my body and do everything I can to become the best version of myself
  5. I watch and observe my emotions without getting too attached to them
  6. My body is healthy and full of energy I need for my daily activities
  7. I love the smell and taste of healthy foods
  8. Every day I embrace the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle

Affirmations for Work or Business Performance

Stay Focused on Your Goals

You may be on a journey to look for a new job, change of career or business venture or maybe wants to improve your communication within your circles. Whatever the reasons, these affirmations will help you set up your goals or even improve your performance in those areas if you remain focused.

  1. I continuously attract positivity, confidence, hard work and new opportunities
  2. I set clear goals and work to complete them every day
  3. I am enthusiastic and excited about my work/business every day
  4. Every day I love being at work because I have a dream job
  5. I find solutions to challenging tasks and move past them quickly
  6. My manager values my work and sees me as a valued member of the team
  7. I am persistent, focused and I attract new clients every day
  8. Every day I am becoming more and more successful at what I do

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of taking the first step towards achieving your goal. Positive affirmation will help you if you actually do something and believe that you can do it. These may start off first as some wishes but eventually become a reality, it all depends on you and what you’re prepared to do. The key here is to take action!

Get in the habit of having a plan on how to achieve your desired goals. There is power in positive thinking, and as we’ve just learnt, it primes your brain into creating new pathways. Thus giving you a different and positive experience.


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