Skills You Can Learn At Home During Lockdown Period! (1)

6 Great Skills You Can Learn At Home During Lockdown

Skilling up during this lockdown may be the best thing you can do to come out of this a better person! It may seem like the COVID-19 has taken over everything because we are all stuck home. However, the best thing you can do for yourself and your future self is to learn a new skill or even up-skill what you already have.

Someone recently said that if you don’t come out this unprecedented time with a new skill, more knowledge, or improved health, then you lacked discipline. Why? because right now you have all the time to accomplish these and more if you use it wisely. This is the time to invest your time into something that will help you later when you go back to work or look for another job. It’s okay to take a break here and there or indulge in your favourite television program but you cannot afford to make it a habit. While you’re finding ways on how to cope with the lockdown, it’s also important to improve who you’re and work on becoming your better self.

So ask yourself right now, what are you going to do when this whole thing is gone and life resumes again? One thing for sure is that our lives will never be the same again and that’s why it’s so important now to learn new skills that will help you on the other side! If you’ve already lost your job, you’ll need to go out there when life resumes looking for another job.

The question is are you ready, will you be ready then? Even if you’re ready, you might want to add an extra skill that might add an advantage to you over someone else… there will many going for the same job. This has been highlighted by Professor Heather McGregor at Edingburgh Business School who recently said; ” We are seeing a lot of people wanting to study and upskill themselves.”

Things will never be the same now, companies will have new strategies to use and they would want someone flexible or with added skills. So are you ready to embrace these new opportunities that would come? Well, there is only one way to be sure and that is by making sure you’re prepared and ready. Maybe you’ve decided you want to start your own business on the side, and that’s even a great idea but are you ready?

The most important thing to remember when you choose to learn a new shill is to make sure that you are able to benefit straight away from it. You want something you can learn now while at home, something that will not take for ever because let’s face it, you won’t much time when life resumes. We are in lockdown, so it make sense to want something you have access to through your computer or even attend an online webinar. Maybe you already have skills you’ve put away because they didn’t work back then, well its now the time to get it out and brush the dust off it.

So what are these skills that could be done in this way while in lockdown. Choose one that resonate with you and go for it, be patient and remember why you’re doing it.

Digital Marketing Skills

Digital Marketing Skills

Digital Marketing has become the most integral part of every business to its customers nowadays. This is one the greatest skill to have especially right now during this pandemic. Studies have now shown that one of the top ten reasons why people are on social media is to buy things online advertised to them! They spend a lot of time interacting with different brands before they actually buy.

“Digital Marketing is when companies and marketers utilise an array of online strategies to engage with current and potential customers. These tools help them to create, communicate, exchange, and deliver value to consumers.”

 Fabricio Masson

So digital marketing will become even more important and valuable when everything reopens again hence why you should give it a go while you have time. Most companies have now gone online to market their products, even more, will do that when life resumes. This is what has been used to sell things online or on social media and now it will be the key to businesses marketing their products.

Learning to be a digital marketer will surely be an added bonus to your CV/resume and you’ll be hireable. There are a lot of places that are offering digital courses online and many other courses.

Attending Webinars

Attending Webinars

Webinars are one of the best ways to learn a new skill or even a specific skill while in the comfort of your home within a short time. There live or pre-recorded ones and usually, there is someone running the webinar and you have the chance to ask questions (if it’s live). There are different types of webinars going on all the time and you just need to find what right for you. Here are some of the amazing places you can visit to learn and broaden your scope and are free, some with registration:

Learn Coding


This is one of the most valuable skill to have and a chance for you to become more marketable. Just like digital marketing, coding will always be in demand especially now when the majority of companies are now online will eventually be online. It is one of the highest paying computer programming jobs and the good thing is you can do it by learning at home.

You can start it for free with places like Code Academy who will give you the basics of web development. Who knows maybe on your way to starting your own website!

Learn A New Language

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Now that our travels have been suspended indefinitely if you haven’t yet, this is the best time to start learning a new language. A new language doesn’t only help you during your world adventures, yes this will be a very valuable addition to your CV. It was one of the best things I have ever done as a treat for myself. Depending on your native language, you will find that some languages are easier to learn. Give it a go and you’ll enjoy it. Some of the great free user-friendly Apps to use are:

According to Dana Foundation, an organisation dedicated to research I neuroscience, when we learn a new language, we improve our memory, increase the ability to multitask, and enhance our conflict management skills! Now is the time while there is time.

Visit LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning

If you’re not sure of what you want to up-skill with, this is the best place to have a look and browse through what might be of interest to you. Formerly known as Linda learning, it’s a platform great for connecting you with other individuals in the business, creative, and technology world. Skills range from Microsoft to WordPress and many more.

So if you’ve been thinking of where to go to brush off some skills, now you know. Its a good learning platform and you get a free one month trial.

Start Podcasting

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Learning how to podcast is one of the great ways to share, enlighten, teach or even entertain people. Have you got a story to tell, information to share that will be of value to people?or you want to show the other side of you that on one knows? Well, there is no better way to do this than by learning how to start podcasting. Different stujdies have recently shown that podcasts have become more popular now. Podcast lover are said to listen to at least five episodes a week with about 85% of them listening to all of it or at least most of it.

So it is worth venturing into if you’re ready to learn the basics. You don’t need much to start except a computer with a USB microphone, iPhone or iPad, and your internet access. Once you have started, you can work on perfecting your new-found skill and ways to help you monetise it. There are different places you can enrol and learn how the basics. Check out Udemy for the affordable course and it doesn’t take long to complete the course.

Final Thought

This virus has caused a lot of uncertainty to many around the globe, but you have to find a way to stay sane while on this lockdown. Things will soon start to move towards reopening and hopefully by then you would’ve learnt something to take help you get to the next level. You’re reading this because you want something good for yourself, so by learning a new skill, you could change your life forever. Use this time wisely so you can look back years from now and be proud that you did make the right choice for yourself and your family. Happy Learning!


Skills To Learn While In Quarantine
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