Smiling can be seen in most cases as a display or response to something that makes you happy or gives you joy! However, there is so much that comes as a result of having that little grin!
Have you ever thought about what’s the best way to make the first impression on anyone you meet? and what about making yourself happy at the same time?
You’re probably thinking what am I up to right? or what is he talking about now:) But it’s okay because I was blown away when I heard this evidence-based answer; it actually mind-blowing…
So how do you make yourself happy and make the first impression on people you meet?
Here is the mind-blowing answer… You Smile.
Yes, you smile. You see, Smiling has been found to have a lot of health benefits that we can all glean from on daily basis!
A study by Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman from the University of Kansas revealed that smiling reduces the intensity of the body’s stress response. It also revealed that there are both physiological and psychological benefits to smiling. This is regardless of whether the person smiling is happy or not at the time they exhibit the smile.
More Evidence
It is really incredible how Health Tap founder Ron Gutman relates this in one of his great TEDx talks. It just blows your mind and makes you think deeply about it! here is an excerpt from what he said;
“… so whenever you want to look great and competent; reduce your stress, improve your marriage; feel as if you just had a whole stack of high-quality chocolate – without incurring the caloric cost; or as if you found 25 grand in a pocket of an old jacket you haven’t worn for ages; or whenever you want to tap into a superpower that will help you and everyone around you live a longer, healthier, happier life… smile.”
Please, if you have a moment watch his TEDx Talk below; I am sure you’ll be surprised at other things he mentions:)
Many studies and scientific research have also revealed that a genuine smile is considered by others to be generally attractive. Some have said it elevates mood for you and those around you, lowers heart rate and increases your longevity in life.
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
In fact, many different studies have shown that smiling, whether intentional, it’s an act or both have some incredible health benefits. Below are some of those evidence-based benefits to be aware of.
7 Top Amazing Health Benefits Of Smiling
Smiling Reduces Stress
As much as it is hard to smile in a difficult and stressful environment, it has been found that smiling reduces the level of stressors. One study revealed that participants who smiled more during their stressful times displayed reduced heart rates as compared to those with neutral facial expressions.
This reduction in stress levels results in us becoming happier and more positive in our daily dealings with life. Maybe it’s time you experiment with this next time you’re in a stressful situation!
Smiling Is A Natural Pain Killer
I’m sure the last thing on your mind when you’re in pain is smiling! Well, different studies have concluded that smiling is a way to relieve pain.
When you exercise, you release the hormone Endorphin which brings you joy. When you smile or have a social laugh with friends and family endorphins are released creating a surge of happy feelings.
Researchers have now concluded that smiling and laughter increase the pain tolerance effect attributed to the chemical release of endorphins thus.
It Makes You Approachable
The ability to make friends or be approachable is so vital in our lives, especially in business. Being approachable help create a trustful environment and help you build long-term contacts. In saying that, some studies have shown that smiling is one of the major contributors to being approachable.
Smiling or facial expression is basically a display of warmth and competence, and it influences the brain. It is also contagious, as Marco Iacobin, Neuroscientist at UCLA laments.
The amount of time you smile during a conversation can determine to other people how interested you are in the topic or them and hence their decision on how approachable you are. Your genuine smile can put a lot at ease, and it’s good for your well-being.
Smiling Is Contagious
Your smile is a killer! It allows other people to embrace and be receptive to what you have to offer before you even say it. If you haven’t noticed this, do an experiment now for yourself; smile at someone nearby and watch their response! There is a very high chance this person will smile back at you:) This is said to happen because of newly discovered brain neurons called Mirror Neurones.
Because of this, our smile becomes so contagious to those around us. It doesn’t only change your mood but also elevates the emotions of those around you. Once you start to smile, it creates a feedback loop that will go around you and the people around instilling a feeling of joy and a better feeling.
According to Sophie Scott a neuroscientist at UCL, ”It seems that it’s absolutely true that when you laugh, the whole world laughs with you.” Look around you, you never know what someone is going through in their life. Maybe that single easy quick smile is what they needed at that moment.
Another spot-on video was from a first-grader student from Vista Grander Elementary School. I think he nailed it to the point in his TEDxKids talk below:
It Elevates Your Mood
You can call smiling a natural antidepressant if you like; why? because when you smile you release all these mood-elevating neurotransmitters chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Dopamine releases a feeling of happiness while serotonin release is associated with reduced stress levels. The decreased production of both of them is associated with depression.
When you smile, you activate the neural message passage in the brain sending your mood skyrocketing! This is supported by this study that was done by the Waseda University, Graduate School of Human Sciences in Japan.
So next time you are having a bad day, try a smile and see; you might surprise yourself and elevate your mood for the better.
Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Happiness including smiling has been associated with benefits for the immune system. Different studies have shown that. When you smile or have a laugh, you decrease the stress hormones production and increase the immune cells together with the antibodies fighting infection. This will assist you in building up resistance against infections.
An interesting study was conducted in a paediatric ward; where some children were visited by performers like handy-craft artists, clowns, and puppeteers to make them laugh. The second group of children was not visited by these performers.
The astonishing results revealed that those who had a visit showed an elevation in their white blood cell counts as compared to other groups. So indulge yourself in a laugh from time to time as you’ll give your health a good boost and fight the bugs around!
It Can Strengthen Relationships
You might have noticed that people who smile a lot are perceived as more likeable than those who don’t. We live in a time where technology can take control of everything if we are not careful. Phones, computers, games and all, they’re the order of the day, and we forget our relationships are way too important.
When you look your partner in the eye and smile, you are showing them how important they are to you and that they matter.
Do you ever pause for a bit, listen to the laughter in your home and soak it in to see the benefits? Maybe it’s time to do that experiment and be open to receiving whatever the outcome!
For me seeing their smiles, and hearing their laughter brings joy, and vitality and elevates my mood completely. Smiling doesn’t cost you a penny except for your focus and slight energy but will benefit you immensely in the long run.
When you share a smile and/or laughter with your loved one, you’re engaging in a tool that will effectively strengthen your relationship and keep it exciting.
Pamela Mclain, DDS, former President of The American Academy of Periodontology elaborates on this by saying, “When someone has a big smile, it shows they’re willing to open up and expose a part of themselves.” Basically, in the long run, your smile will benefit a lot of areas of your life.
So keep that spark in your relationship and family by making sure you smile and engage more with your loved one to build a stronger social bond.
“A smiling face tells people that you’re an outgoing and intelligent person worth getting to know.” Joanne Barker
In Summary
Remember to keep it real and smile more. Even if you don’t like to smile or don’t feel like smiling, give it a crack and reap the many benefits that come with it. Laughter similarly gives you a lot of general health benefits.
There is nothing that disperses the feeling of anger and conflict more than a burst of shared laughter, it’s the cheapest yet the most fulfilling. If you don’t know how to do it, start practising; otherwise “fake it until you make it.”
We have heard it before, laughter is the best medicine, and it triggers a lot of emotional, psychological and physical health benefits. So, let’s keep Smiling!