
7 Tips To Stay Motivated While On A Weight Loss Journey

How do you stay motivated while on a weight loss journey? You may be wondering where to start or you have had those days when you feel all the energy in the world and about conquer the world? What about those days you feel like you can’t be bothered to do anything? 

The same happens when you start your weight loss journey, it’s never easy BUT it is quite doable. Choosing and sticking to a weight loss plan can get almost impossible if you don’t have a set plan or prior preparations. This can also occur because people just lack the much-needed motivation to continue. 

People choose either a workout or diet plan or even both to lose weight, but they just seem not to finish it. It may be due to the excessive external pressure or low self-esteem that hinders the enthusiasm you had in the initial days of the weight loss process.

Fortunately, despite all that apprehension and uncertainty, there are many awesome ways to get your weight loss motivation. What you have to remember is that you’re creating new habits and it may take some time for you to get used to it. Your will-power, determination, and consistency will be the key to your success.

How To Stay Motivated While On A Weight Loss Journey

1. Realise Why You Wanted to Lose Weight in the First Place

Remeber Your Why
Remember Why You Want To Lose Weight

Sit back, relax, and determine all the reasons you have to lose weight and jot them down in a notebook. Your reasons are your goals, so read them every day to remind yourself of your mission when you get attracted to unhealthy habits.

These reasons can be anything, like lowering the risk of a certain disease, increasing overall well-being, keeping up with life, enhancing self-confidence, fit in your best outfit, or simply look good for yourself. Let your motivation derive from the goals.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) have done a study to show the importance of gradual and steady weight loss in relation to keeping and maintaining that weight off long term.

2. Set Achievable Goals To Stay Motivated

In the weight loss venture, being realistic is key. So set achievable targets, don’t rush too hard for the results. Always follow the guidelines recommended by your coach and your nutrition consultant if you have one. Don’t become obsessed with counting numbers or calories but focus on your daily achievement. 

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Set Yor Achievable Goals To Stay Motivated

Setting unrealistic goals can cause frustration and anxiety and ultimately leads to giving up on yourself. On the other hand, being practical and easy on yourself cultivate a sense of purpose, commitment and motivation for accomplishment.

3. Keep A Journal To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight

Monitoring your weight is vital for weight loss success. Record your daily calorie intake and calories burnt in a journal and highlight your weekly achieved goals. Even if you haven’t hit the exact number, but if you are near somewhere near, it’s time to feel good because it’s your journey and you’ve worked very hard to get this close.

When mentioning your achievements, don’t forget to note down how you feel. This can, in fact, help you figure out certain things that cause overeating and help you manage it. You can keep separate journals for food and weight loss, or whatever you like.

4. Get Some New Workout Attire

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Get Some New Workout Attire To Treat Yourself

It has been found that buying your new workout gear gives you the motivation to go and give it a go. You feel like a new person and that new persona keeps you going for more. As Dr Jonathan Fader puts it, “when you put on new fitness gear you begin to get into character like an actor putting on a costume for a performance. As a result, you expect to have a better performance, making you more mentally prepared for the task”.

So go on and get yourself some new gear and keep on keeping on towards your goals.

5. Celebrate Yourself For Achieving Your Goals As You Go

Celebrate your achievements
Celebrate your Achievements

Losing weight is not easy, so celebrate and reward your achieved targets to stay motivated. Pad yourself on the back and treat yourself with a little piece of chocolate or your favourite cake. Any progress is progress no matter how small it may seem.

It doesn’t have to be only food only, you can do other things you love or have a nice bubble bath, get a full body massage, hang out with friends, or even watch your favourite movie. Be around people who want what’s best for you and will support you all the way on your journey to a new you.

6. Appreciate Your Body To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight

Acceptance is one of the most important things in the weight loss journey. If you aren’t able to accept who you are, you won’t be able to work on your body. Moreover, acceptance doesn’t end there, you have to take note of how your body works and progresses to help you to remain consistent in maintaining your results. 

If you cannot love yourself, you cannot transform. It’s human nature; if you don’t love anything, you won’t be bothered to work on it. 

7. Think Positive and Stay Positive To Help You Lose Weight

Stay Positive
Think Positive and Stay Positive To Be Motivated To Lose Weight

When you remain positive and believe in yourself that you can do it, you will definitely see yourself losing weight. What you believe and tell yourself on a regular basis, you become. Believe in your dreams and goals of achieving your desired weight. Always speak and talk positivity and you will most certainly see the results. Become your own cheerleader and find your own motivation that works for you. Let no negativity get in the way of your positive outlook on your life.

Always remember that your mental health is the key basis for achieving anything you want. Your positive thinking and outlook on life will help you reach your destination. 

In the end, we have to remember that the body believes what the minds say! Let people say what they have to say, but you just focus on your goals, work hard, believe in yourself and rock on!

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7 Tips To Help You Motivated While On Weight Loss Journey

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