Abundance Mindset


We live in a world where it can be difficult to manifest the life you want but anyone has the ability to attract abundance into their environment and quickly realise that any goal is attainable. This depends on your willingness to do something to get you there. What you require is a shift in mindset, yes, your mindset. This powerful short read will equip you on how you can cultivate an abundance mindset and enable yourself to realise that you have access to all you want to achieve and that it is available to you if willing to go the extra mile.

There are two distinct and important mindsets that we’ll talk about today to familiarise ourselves with. These are Scarcity and Abundance Mindsets. Scarcity mindsets are more concerned with limitations or gaps. Meanwhile, an Abundance mindset emphasises opportunity creation and gratitude for the present moment.

One of the most effective strategies for shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset is to become aware of your scarcity-based thought patterns. You can do this by first identifying the areas of your life in which you feel like you’re “inadequate.” This could be financial, interpersonal, professional, social, or personal.

Once you’ve identified the area that presents the greatest difficulty for you, consider what you want. Abundance can look different to many people and it may mean a variety of things to you as well. It is critical that you have a firm grasp of what abundance means to you. Now, let’s define abundance first. What does abundance look like in the area you’ve designated as “difficult”? What are you doing right now that prevents you from gaining access to your abundance? What can you do to improve your circumstances? After you’ve determined what you want, brainstorm some small actions that will move you closer to achieving that goal.

We know that when we think in terms of abundance, we notice a lot of space around us and more resources opportunities by default. The opposite will happen when you operate from a scarcity mindset.

Here is an illustration… 

Tanya has the impression that she is unhappy in her romantic relationship. She wishes she could have an abundant love life in her relationship. She desires to manifest a fulfilling and loving relationship that enables her to be happy. What she perceives as preventing her from experiencing an abundant love life is her partner’s absence. Rather than wallow herself in self-pity, Tanya finally chooses to communicate her feelings to her partner by sharing how she feels and what she desires, which is to grow closer to him. By concentrating on what she desires, she is able to articulate the need rather than the gap.

Mindset Shift

This shift in perspective may result in the following benefits:

Appreciate Your Life

Individuals with an abundance mindset will value their possessions and the people in their lives more. They become more appreciative and grateful for where they’re at while working towards their goals.

Increased Opportunities

When you have an abundant mindset, more opportunities become apparent as a result of your active search. Instead of fighting for resources around you, they seem to become more available to you.

Reduce Daily Stress

Because people with an abundance mindset are less likely to have unrealistic expectations, they experience less stress and disappointment in their lives. They don’t waste time being defensive and competing unnecessarily and instead find alternatives to other opportunities hence less stress.

Reduce Your Anxiety

When you are convinced that there are sufficient resources for everyone, you automatically believe that you can obtain what you require when you require it. Rather than worrying about what you lack, you can alleviate your anxiety by knowing that you can manifest what you desire when you need it.

Take Control of Your Life

When you live in fear, you are frequently a victim. As if life happens to you rather than you creating it. An abundance mindset puts you in control of your life and gives you a greater ability to create the experiences you desire.

Enhance Happier and More Fulfilling Relationships

We have a natural tendency to gravitate towards people who share our viewpoints. If you are stuck in a scarcity mindset, you will attract people who are also limited and negative. Alternatively, if you cultivate an abundance mindset or growth mindset, you will begin to manifest relationships that are uplifting, supportive and most importantly, bring you more growth and abundance. You hang around people who will push you t be a better version of yourself and take responsibility for yourself and your life.

Increase Your Health

People with an abundance mindset are more appreciative, which is associated with improved physical, emotional and psychological health. It’s been found that they have a lower risk of developing depression, anxiety, stress, and other chronic diseases that are frequently associated with one’s lifestyle.

Increase Your Health

There may be some impediments in your path right now that prevent you from achieving an abundance mindset you want and from achieving your desired goals. The following vital points are some examples and they may give you a reminder of where you need to work on right now:

Concentrating On the Gaps

A common error that people with a scarcity mindset make is to focus all of their attention and energy on what is missing in their lives. On the other hand, those who live an abundant life are naturally adept at directing their energy towards the manifestation of their desires. By re-orienting your thoughts towards what you desire, you create a clear picture of what you desire. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for when you know what you want, rather than what you know you don’t want.

You Don’t Seek Assistance

To attract more abundance into your life, you must be receptive. This includes accepting assistance from others. If it’s difficult for you to say, “Yes” to someone who offers you assistance, you are communicating to the universe that you are undeserving of assistance. The same is true if you have difficulty asking for assistance. Many people are surprised to learn that demonstrating independence in our lives can sometimes result in obstructing the flow of abundance. This is because if you are incapable of accepting assistance from others, you will be incapable of accepting assistance from the universe.

To break this habit and bring more abundance into your life, find ways to solicit assistance, the majority of people enjoy lending an assisting hand. Accepting assistance from another person may just make their day and not forgetting yours.

You Are Uncomfortable with Compliments

Compliments are a form of receiving that is comparable to requesting assistance. If you are uncomfortable receiving compliments from others, this demonstrates that you have difficulty receiving them. This will inevitably result in increased scarcity. Consider your behaviour when someone compliments you on your abilities.

You Obsess Over the Past

To dwell on the past is to waste a great deal of your valuable energy on things that are no longer relevant. This behaviour depletes your energy for manifesting what you desire in life. If you want to change or accept your past, you must make a choice now and refocus your attention on what you can do right now to improve your happiness and where you’re headed. If you want a more fulfilling life, consider what action you can take right now to increase your access to abundant life. Stop worrying about the thing you can’t change!

You Frequently Use The Words “Can not or Do not

Our lexicon reveals a great deal about our mindset. A person with a scarcity mindset will frequently use the limiting words “can’t,” “won’t,” or “don’t”. These words have a tendency to reinforce an ingrained belief that we lack sufficient resources and will never be able to obtain what we desire in life. Pay attention to the words you use daily to create a more abundant meaningful life. Recognise when you are using words that establish a limiting belief and reframe them into words that empower you to take action.

You Feel Jealous of Others

When we live in a scarcity mindset, we frequently experience feelings of envy and jealousy. We frequently find ourselves comparing ourselves to others and wondering why we can’t have what they have. One of the thoughts you may frequently have is, why everyone else has what you desire but not you. Remember, Envy is a negative emotion that attracts scarcity due to our focus on what we lack. Additionally, it can breed resentment towards certain individuals and strain relationships with friends and family.

To adopt an abundance mindset, you must first acknowledge the positive aspects of your life, be thankful and refrain from comparing yourself to others. Instead, start working on yourself or towards what you want by identifying what you appreciate about yourself, others, or your current life.

You Encourage Instant Gratification

According to some, being in the present moment entails manifesting everything you require immediately. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that individuals who foster a scarcity mindset are more likely to prioritise immediate “wants.” They have an immediate need for gratification and a sense of urgency that the need must be met immediately. This type of behaviour can be detrimental to one’s life and future. A fantastic example is when an individual receives an unexpected sum of money.

Those who have a scarcity mindset will feel compelled to spend it immediately on items that are not necessarily vital in the long run but on something they truly desire in the present moment. It’s almost as if they believe the money will vanish if they don’t spend it immediately. Be mindful of the instant fix mentality, it’s a scarce mindset.

Accuse Others

Do you believe that life is not fair? Perhaps you believe that many of the unfortunate circumstances you have encountered are the fault of someone else. If this is the case, it may be time to take matters into your own hands. It’s essentially surrendering your power and ceding complete control of your life to external factors, such as another person. When you relinquish your power, you are left with hopelessness and an inability to change your circumstances.

One of the most common characteristics of people with an abundance mindset is their capacity to accept and take full responsibility for their circumstances and take action to improve them.

The preceding points are examples of behaviours that may be limiting you in life. These are the behaviours we are attempting to change in order to move you closer to living an abundant life. You may be wondering where you can start and how you change your mindset… The trick is to ask yourself different questions to help you find solutions: Questions like:

  • How you can make the most out of your situation?
  • How you thrive instead of surviving through?
  • What will I do today that will let me know that I’m progressing?
  • What ways can help you see life as a “dramedy” instead of tragedy?

It’s all about seeing life differently and adopting complete assumptions to what you have always done, you might just have a different perspective have a chance to explore life differently.

Encourage others

Two critical points to consider are the two premise of the Law of Abundance: 

Balance and Clarity

Giving and Receiving in Balance

It is critical to understand the law of abundance because life is always about balance. And when we are out of balance, we are incapable of manifesting our desires. Balance entails giving twice as much as you receive. Additionally, it indicates that you are receptive to receiving and giving.

The majority of people who are unable to attract success or abundance into their lives are usually out of balance. The signs that you are out of balance usually include the following:

  • You devote a great deal of your time and energy to others and neglect your own needs
  • You enjoy giving gifts to others and are extremely uncomfortable receiving them
  • You enjoy assisting others but are averse to seeking assistance because you believe you are self-sufficient

If you identify with these statements, you are unconsciously communicating to the higher power that you are unworthy of receiving. You are the one who is impeding the flow of abundance in your life by refusing to receive.

Clarity and Defining Your Objectives

It is critical to understand what you want in order to manifest it. The Universe, higher power or God will almost never give you what you want if you don’t know what you want. Individuals who are certain of their desires can manifest them. Oftentimes, focusing on a feeling makes it easier to identify what we want. 

For instance, you know you don’t want to be financially constrained because you crave financial freedom. That sensation is critical because the more of it you have in your life, the more you will recognise that you are progressing towards your desired outcome.

In Conclusion

Having the right mindset allows you to live an abundant life that you desire and is available to everyone on this earth. By applying these valuable tips provided above, you’ll have a chance to increase your ability to have access to the abundance that surrounds you and also allow you to manifest what you desire in your life. 

By doing so, you will experience an abundant, happy and fulfilling life because you are fully aware of your thoughts and your ability to change your thinking process of limiting beliefs and scarcity-based thinking to abundance. It is very important to edge this in your brain and know that anyone can successfully access an abundance mindset and achieve whatever they deeply want and believe they deserve. It all starts with you taking the responsibility to take action and be motivated by progress to move forward towards what you want to achieve.

It is critical to understand these two premises because they are frequently connected to subtle and not always obvious behaviours that prevent you from accessing abundance in your life. Remember, growth is a process, one that needs to be embraced fully if you’re to see the results you want.


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