
How To Become A Better Person Every Day

We all want to become better every day, don’t we? And the fact that you came across this blog post and decided to read it, is a sign that you want to find ways to help you become a better person! Every single day we make decisions, some small, little or even bigger ones and all these shape us to become the persons we are. Our current lifestyle is the results of the choices we made in the past or continue to make on a daily basis.

Many people strive to become better each day not only for themselves but for the people around them as well. They are ready to adopt ways that can lead to self-improvement that can be appreciated by others. It can be anything that can range from holding the door for someone to picking up a thing that somebody dropped on the floor. They are willing to take small steps that can bring out beautiful and meaningful changes within their lives.

You may be wondering how far can you go if no results are evident despite what you do? I would suggest that as long as it takes or until you find the first sign of a better version of yourself. There is no time frame and what’s important is the fact that you decided to start something to move you forward, that first step is the key to shaping you and your productivity in general.

The actual truth is that unless you act on your decision to become a better you,  remain consistent and embrace the challenge, you’ll find it challenging. However, that shouldn’t be the case because below are some of the top ways that can be implemented to help you achieve your goals; become a better person every day.

Be Willing To Accept Change

Be Willing To Accept Change

We have heard before: “be the change you want to see”. In order to become a better you every day, it is extremely important for you to accept change. It can not only help you to become a better person but it can also help you to grow and broaden your intellect. Becoming more adaptive to change can bring out the positive in you and see life in different eyes. 

Recognising Your Own Weaknesses

This is a major breakthrough because it will allow you to find yourself through seeking help where needed. Through that process, you’ll be able to develop and nurture yourself to become the best version of yourself. As an individual, your goal is not to become perfect but to improve yourselves each day to become your best version.

Don’t be too critical of yourself for recognizing those weaknesses, it’s actually a great idea as this gives you self-awareness and will fuel the willingness to improve those areas.

Enlarge Your Territory

Enlarge Your Territory and Become Better

Have you ever done something you didn’t think you could do and achieved it? The feeling is amazing, isn’t it? You have haven’t then this is your chance to challenge your comfort zone and get uncomfortable. We all know that nothing can and will grow in comfort ones.
When you decide to go for the discomfort zone and face it head-on, the learning, and growth that that comes with it in-measurable. The future becomes brighter when you decide to challenge yourself, believe and work hard at it. Why? Because you meet people who will embrace you and help you grow to become a better you. 

Honesty Is The Best Policy

You can never go wrong with being honest. It is always the best policy, whether in business or in social circles. It ‘s always best to be honest about yourself or about what needs to be done even if it’s uncomfortable. As long as it is delivered in a respectful and constructive way, it’s fine. We know the truth hurts sometimes but it set us free. Be as polite and humble as you can be, we know arrogance never gets anyone anywhere.

Be Generous

Being generous doesn’t necessarily have to be monetary related. The little things that you do for those around you on regular basis makes a huge difference, it may be opening a door for someone, or carrying a grocery bag for your wife or neighbour if they need help. That may seem or sound small to you but to the recipient, it’s a big deal. If you’re at work, help your employees or your team members as required as it creates a conducive work environment and everyone feel more encouraged and motivated when they are helped by their leader.

Be A Good Listener 

Be A Good Listener

Ponder this for a second; suppose you’re in dire need of help in regards to something really important you’re going through. The first thing you think about is your best friend who wouldn’t go on and on about themselves but someone who would give you time and listen without trying to solve your problem straight away, right? So communication is so vital especially the listening part of it. It is very important to be a good listener as it helps you build relationships which in turn create a room for growth and self-awareness.

Surround Yourself With Positivity

We have heard this before and rightly so; “we become what we consistently think about” and the company we keep, we become. Becoming better every day is not an easy task or easy journey, that is why it’s important to be mindful of what we allow in our lives. Be surrounded by people who would encourage you to be better and work towards your goals, who would guide you when you drift off. This is very important for as you grow. Ensure you have someone you look up to (Mentor) and learn new things on how to deal with challenges to become your better self.

Forgive Yourself

This may sound strange but it’s so important if you want to move forward. We all have our past which we would rather erase from our minds, but the truth is that the past is the past and you learn to forgive yourself and move on. Our past has us taught a lesson, and we have to embrace it, learn and grow from it and ensure it never happens again. But first take responsibility and forgive yourself if you haven’t already done so, sometimes it’s better to write down a letter of forgiveness of the things you did or happened.

Create A Vision Board

Create A Vision Board To Help You Visualise Your Goals

There is power in writing down things you want to achieve and placing them where you can see them on a regular basis. Vision board is one way of declaring what you while working towards it. Have one if you don’t already do and every day looks at it. If you achieve something on it, place a tick and say thank you. Practice gratitude and keep believing while you are working towards your goals.


We can all become the best version of ourselves if we’re willing to be challenged and get uncomfortable. It’s all in our mindset and we know that our bodies are capable of doing anything our minds tell us. We know people who have started with nothing and became a huge success, Why? Because they made a decision, then to took the first step towards their first goal, never gave up and achieved it. So anything is possible if your WHY is strong enough. Become A Better You.

9 Ways To Help You Become Your Best Version

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