I’m not sure about you, but Mondays are a lot of people’s cup of tea. I sometimes also feel the pain of getting out of bed on a Monday morning (no matter what time I went to bed), especially when it is cold or rainy outside. The cosy bed is just too tempting and makes it even worse! However, one of the best ways I have come up with to help me get motivated without a struggle was to set up a morning routine or rituals that I would look forward to when I hop out of bed.
The great thing is that I’m not alone in thinking this as a lot of individuals have succeeded in doing this and their lives have never been the same again! Tons of papers have been written about morning rituals. From morning ritual ideas to benefits, just about everyone seems to be on board with the idea of having a morning routine. Because of how much information there is, it can be difficult to know how to get started, hence my brief under eight minutes read to help you get started on any morning ritual that suits you.
This is a guide to help you take action and get started if you don’t already have anything in place, or supplement what you already have going and try something new! I hope you’ll find this very helpful.
What Is A Morning Routine?
A morning routine is pretty self-explanatory. It is a routine or ritual you do every morning, or most mornings, to start your day on the right foot. When used consistently and correctly, morning routines can open your day up to a whole lot of positivity.
The point of a morning routine or ritual is to give you a moment to compile your thoughts and feelings so that you start the day on a good note. In other words, it lets you focus on yourself and the present so that you can have a more organised and productive day.
Consistency Is Key
The important key to a successful morning routine is consistency. By only doing your morning routine every once in a while, the routine won’t benefit you at all. Instead, you need to do it consistently enough that it feels like a habit and can benefit your life. That is why it is so important to find a routine that you can manage to keep for the long haul.
That is not to say that sleeping in every once in a while will destroy your morning. On the contrary, you should on occasion. A good sleep-in is always great once a month or so. Plus, it may be helpful to have a busy morning and slow morning routine. Having both allows you to create a habit no matter what the morning brings.
You Must Be Flexible
As we implied above, there are times when your mornings may change. When that happens, it’s okay but don’t panic. Incorporate flexibility into your morning routine so that you are ready for everything. By being flexible you make your morning routine work for you, no matter the day.
Don’t Overdo It
Whenever people think of a morning routine, they often think it has to be over the top and take up a lot of their time. That is not true. Though extensive morning routines may be nice on lazy Sunday mornings, they simply aren’t realistic for the weekdays. My Sundays are my rest day period. I do take a light walk after dinner in the evening on Sunday and that’s it!
Don’t overdo it with your morning routine so that you can keep up with it. Be assured that by cutting a few minutes out of every morning to do it, you will notice a big difference in your day and life. Going overboard isn’t necessary!
Why Should I Have A Morning Ritual?
There is no point in adding additional tasks to your life if they don’t serve a beneficial function. Morning routines are great for our overall well being whether personal or professional. You should definitely add a morning routine into your day for the following benefits:
- Increases Productivity
The most widely recognised benefit of a morning routine is that it increases productivity. Most of the incredibly successful and productive people have morning rituals and routines that they don’t ignore, no matter the day.
By starting your day with the morning ritual, you set the tone for the rest of the day and kick start productivity and activity. This allows us to increase our productivity by focusing on what is in front of us and starting with a lot of momentum.
- Lowers Stress
Whenever we take the time to focus on ourselves and stay in the present every morning, our body experiences lower stress. Even more so, a morning routine gives you ample time in the morning to get ready, preventing you from feeling stressed and rushed to go into your day.
Obviously, lowering your stress levels will make you feel better. In addition, it can also help decrease the chances of depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and more.
- Develops Healthy Habits
Everyone wants to get healthier, but most people don’t know how to go about it in an impactful and long-lasting way. Morning routines make it easy to develop healthy habits that last throughout your day and life.
By having a morning ritual, you get up around the same time every day, take a moment to reflect on yourself, and get your thoughts in order before tackling the day. This creates a number of healthy habits that impact the rest of your choices.
- Boosts Energy
The main reason people hate mornings is because of how tired they feel. Whenever you sleep in, rush to get ready, and run out the door, you typically feel drained, even if you got a lot of sleep the night before. Having a morning routine boosts your energy so that you don’t feel as bad throughout the morning and day.
This is because morning routines allow your body to fully wake up and turn back on in its own time. In other words, your body doesn’t automatically go into stress mode, making you feel more tired in a short amount of time.
Easy Morning Ritual Ideas
Here are some easy morning ritual ideas that you can try out for yourself. Feel free to change them up according to your interests and what works for you on the day.
- Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the act of being in the present. By incorporating mindfulness into your morning routine, you firmly plant yourself in the present, welcome the new day, and get a good feeling about your emotions and thoughts. At the same time, mindfulness is shown to help relieve anxiety, depression, and a number of illnesses.
To practice mindfulness, place yourself in the present. One way you can do this is by drinking your morning coffee or tea.
Pick up the mug and feel the warmth around your hands. Then, bring the mug up to your mouth, but don’t drink it yet. Simply smell the coffee or tea and notice how the sensation changes whenever the steam touches your nostrils and floods through your body. Finally, sip slowly, noticing how it feels going down your throat!
Once you have finished your cup of coffee, set an intention for the day. Be sure to say it out loud so that you feel it and make a commitment to it.
- Turn Off the Phone
Phones are a great way to communicate with distant loved ones, but they are also the source of a lot of stress and anxiety not forgetting how they can also be destructive. The first hour you are awake, try to leave the phone off. Though it may be tempting to scroll through Instagram or look through your inbox, do something more productive instead.
Whenever your phone is turned off, it’s harder to compare yourself to others or allow your work life to infiltrate your personal time. Just by leaving the phone off, you give yourself extra time to appreciate your life, morning, and self.
- Reading and Writing
Mornings are a great time to focus on self-improvement. By the time you get home, you are likely too tired to care about self-improvement. Use the extra time to read or write. Reading and writing stretches your mind and allows you to explore your own thoughts, emotions, and goals.
If you aren’t much of a writer, you can create a gratitude journal. On it list three things you are grateful for every morning. This takes very little time, and it doesn’t require any artistic skills, instead, it opens you up to receive and be in an attitude of gratitude state.
As for reading, pick something that is uplifting and inspirational. A good self-help book that targets things you need to work on within yourself is a great way to start your day. You may also listen to a podcast or an audio book that will speak to you on things you want to achieve and are working on. You can look online for recommendations based on your needs. Reading not only help you learn but also plays a key role in your self-awareness especially to things affect you, your family and business.
- Exercising
If you are someone who already uses their brain throughout the day and doesn’t move much, take a moment to exercise in the morning. Exercising in the morning will kickstart your metabolism and ensure that you can relax whenever you get home.
You can create a regimented routine, or you can pick something a bit slower and more fun. For example, you can take your dog for a walk, play a game of basketball, or jump rope in the backyard. It is up to you how you exercise during your morning ritual. The important thing to know is that a healthy active lifestyle is the key to becoming healthier and happier.
Tips For Making Your Ritual/Routine Stick
The hardest part about a morning ritual is letting it stick. Many people will start out with the morning ritual but eventually, give it up. Only by sticking to your morning ritual will it be beneficial. Here are some ideas and tips for sticking to your morning ritual:
- Make A Commitment
If you don’t commit, you probably will not get very far in your morning ritual. The whole point of a morning routine is to improve yourself and your life. If you don’t want to do either of those things, then there is no point in starting a morning ritual.
Focus on yourself and truly want to improve your life. Just by making this commitment to and about yourself, you are more likely to stick to the morning ritual.
- Know Your Why
To add a line to the first tip, also know the why behind your morning ritual. It is assumed that you want to better yourself or your life by starting a ritual, but what exactly do you want to improve? Do you need to develop healthier habits, or do you need to lower stress in your life?
Knowing your “why” makes the ritual feel much more direct in your life. Plus, it will help you select morning rituals that relate to your end goal. Know the why so you can create a morning ritual that is effective and sticks in your life.
- Be Flexible
I already mentioned this, but it is so important that I am saying it again. You must be flexible with your morning rituals. Not every morning will be the same. Trying to force the morning ritual on days where it simply doesn’t belong will get you discouraged and overwhelmed. If there is a certain morning where your morning ritual will not fit, that is okay.
More so, be flexible so that you can adapt to your routine to make it better and better. Again, it is important to make sure your routine is what will work for you.
- Be Kind To Yourself
Finally, be kind to yourself, your Self-Love and Self-Care are vital to you achieving anything. If you are going to beat yourself up every time you forget a morning ritual, you are completely missing the point. Allow yourself room to grow, develop, and make mistakes. That’s how you develop into a better person by learning along the way and sometimes is learning through a difficult experience! If you don’t show yourself some love, then the morning routine will likely be more stressful than it needs to be.
If you wake up one day and don’t feel good, be kind to yourself. Don’t force yourself to run a mile if your ankle is hurting. Instead, find other ways to start your morning off the right way without punishing yourself.
In Closing
All in all, morning routines/rituals are a great way to start your day for better productivity, and they don’t have to take up a lot of time for you if done correctly. Simply by taking a few minutes to read, exercise, or do anything that makes you feel good and ready for the day, you may experience a number of wonderful benefits throughout the day and in your life as a result. Just be consistent in your morning ritual and continue to improve upon it so that it organically matches your life.
The more you do it the higher chances you will enjoy it and as I’ll become part of you. My advice for you is to give it a try, give it time and remain consistent and you will be fully rewarded for your efforts. You may just be surprised at what impact it has on your life in general and your productivity at work or your business.
Remember, the trick is to take the first step and take it from there. It’s always hard to start and usually easy to stay consistent once you have started on something you love. This is your time, give it a go and go for it!